sailor speak

Luc du Bois, missing the Euro for good reasons


Luc du Bois, twice winner of the America's Cup on Alinghi and now member of Team New Zealand for the next cup wasn't able to come to Garda for the Euro. Luc and his team will water their new boat in Oakland (NZL) soon.

A good reason to stay at home down under.

Posted By cbueche read more

During the dinner


So well aligned, you could almost think they are weapons. And in fact they are, when in good hands.

Posted By cbueche read more

Arrived onsite

We arrived onsite at about 5pm, our boats are already on slots 54 and 55. CVA is really well organized, everyone has his numbered parking place, delimited by ropes.
Lots of champions are already onsite, some (like Landy) since 2 weeks. Should probably tell enough about their motivation ! Hervé's remark was immediate : "it will be hard to be in the first 10 during a single race...". Arno Terra (NED 27) had apparently broken his mast. However, it seems lots of spare masts are available, as people have been careful to plan for spare hardware.
Posted By cbueche read more

100 sailors on the starting line


Dear competitors,

You have decided to compete for the European Championships in the A-Class. Even if the class is 56 years old, it has maintained a very strong popularity among the best sailors in the world. America's Cup, Olympic and world champions from other classes has joined us on the fast, elegant and most-awesome multi-hull boat, making that kind of regata a breathtaking experience.

Posted By cbueche read more


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