Arrived onsite

We arrived onsite at about 5pm, our boats are already on slots 54 and 55. CVA is really well organized, everyone has his numbered parking place, delimited by ropes.
Lots of champions are already onsite, some (like Landy) since 2 weeks. Should probably tell enough about their motivation ! Hervé's remark was immediate : "it will be hard to be in the first 10 during a single race...". Arno Terra (NED 27) had apparently broken his mast. However, it seems lots of spare masts are available, as people have been careful to plan for spare hardware.
Sunny, temperature is 33° C, wind 25 knts, everything looks alright. If it needs a proof that this regatta will be a serious thing : Bob Baier went to bed at 9pm...

Yves & Hervé